Steering Committee Member

The N:OW for Net-Zero Steering Committee

Navigating the vast landscape of climate resilience, FES recognizes the need for a compass that not only directs but ensures fairness and equity in all our actions. Enter our Steering Committee — a collective of credible and educated individuals who amplify our mission with their insights. They bridge gaps between educators, students, subject matter experts, and community leaders, ensuring that our initiatives are both impactful and equitable. More than simply guidance, they bring a meticulous lens to funding decisions, ensuring that projects receiving our support reflect genuine potential and align with our mission.

Please review the brief for more details about the role and what we’re looking for.

N4NZ Steering Committee Member


August 12nd

Application Deadline

Your deadline to apply to become a member of the Steering Committee! We will get back to you that week about whether or not you’ve been selected.

August 22nd

Onboarding Meeting

A mandatory initial onboarding meeting for Steering Committee members will be at 6:00-7:00 pm EST, via Zoom, to give you an overview of the grant evaluation process and your role. 

September 13th

Feedback Deadline

Deadline to let us know about any feedback you have about the evaluation process, as this is the date we will be sending out the shortlist of 20 to 30 of the grant applications we are asking you to evaluate.

September 19th

Short List Feedback Deadline

When your evaluation and feedback on the short list is due.

September 23rd

Feedback Meeting

Mandatory two hour meeting starting at 6pm EST to discuss feedback as a group and finalize Steering Committee decisions.


In recognition of your time contribution, Steering Committee members will receive an honorarium of $300.

How to become a Steering Committee Member

If you’re passionate about our project goals and have lived experience or a professional/educational background that you think would make you a good fit for the Steering Committee, please fill out and submit this form:

 The deadline to submit is August 12th, after which we will be evaluating all applications. As part of this process, we may call you for a short informal chat to get to know you better or ask any follow up questions we may have. We will let all applicants know about our final selection by no later than August 16th

Please reach out to with any questions!

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